David in Christianity
Originally an earthly king ruling by divine appointment ("the anointed one", as the title Messiah had it), the "son of David" became in the last two pre-Christian centuries the apocalyptic and heavenly who would deliver Israel and usher in a new kingdom. This was the background to the concept of Messiahship in early Christianity, which interpreted the career of Jesus "by means of the titles and functions assigned to David in the mysticism of the Zion cult, in which he served as priest-king and in which he was the mediator between God and man."[41] The early Church believed that "the life of David [foreshadowed] the life of Christ; Bethlehem is the birthplace of both; the shepherd life of David points out Christ, the Good Shepherd; the five stones chosen to slay Goliath are typical of the five wounds; the betrayal by his trusted counsellor, Achitophel, and the passage over the Cedron remind us of Christ's Sacred Passion. Many of the Davidic Psalms, as we learn from the New Testament, are clearly typical of the future Messiah."[42] In the Middle Ages, "Charlemagne thought of himself, and was viewed by his court scholars, as a 'new David'. [This was] not in itself a new idea, but [one whose] content and significance were greatly enlarged by him."[43] The linking of David to earthly kingship was reflected in later Medieval cathedral windows all over Europe through the device of the Tree of Jesse its branches demonstrating how divine kingship descended from Jesse, through his son David, to Jesus. Western Rite churches (Roman Catholic, Lutheran) celebrate his feast day on 29 December, Eastern-rite on 19 December.[44] The Eastern Orthodox Church and Eastern Catholic Church celebrate the feast day of the "Holy Righteous Prophet and King David" on the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers (two Sundays before the Great Feast of the Nativity of the Lord), when he is commemorated together with other ancestors of Jesus. He is also commemorated on the Sunday after the Nativity,together with Joseph and James, the Brother of the Lord. David in Islam
ضروری وضاحت
یاد رہے کہ یہ فلم قرآن سے مکمل طورپر اخذ شدہ نہیں ہے بائبل و دیگر صحائف آسمانی کی معلومات سے استفادہ کیاگیاہے جن کی حقانیت مستند نہیں ہے جبکہ قرآن حکیم ایک غیرمحرف اور واضح وروشن کتاب ہےآپکو اس فلم میں ایسے کردار و واقعات نظر آئیں گے جنکی اسلامی تعلیمات و تاریخ میں چنداں گنجائش بھی نہیں ہے صرف ناظرین کی معلومات میں اضافے کی خاطر ان فلموں کواپلوڈکرنا گوارہ کیاگیاہے، جبکہ اس سائٹ کے طریقہ کار میں طے کیا جاچکا تھا کہ صرف ان اسلامی ممالک کی فلموں کو اپلوڈ کیاجائے گا جنہوں نے قرآنی و اسلامی مؤقف کو واضح کرکے فلمبندکیا ہو، ایسی اسلامی فلمیں جائز جبکہ ایسی فلمیں جو اسلامی تعلیمات اور معرکہءحق وباطل کی تاریخ میں بگاڑ پیدا کریں سراسرناجائزوممنوع ہیں،اللہ ہمیں معاف فرمائے اور ہمیں سیدھی راہ پہ چلنے کی توفیق دے آمین
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